10 Terrifying First-Hand Accounts of Sleep Paralysis

5. The Little Humanoid

When examining these accounts of sleep paralysis we also have to take into account the source of the story. This report comes from a website entitled Alien Resistance, so take it as you will. The author of this account identified himself as ‘Rich’ and he claims to have suffered sleep paralysis since a young age. One night that stands out in his mind, he awoke and—unsurprisingly—was unable to move.

While he lay in darkness, his bedroom door was opened and what he described as a ‘little man’ entered the room. By his own estimates, Rich claims that the creature was no more than a foot high, but after examining Rich from the door, he moved with surprising speed across the room and leaped onto Rich’s still form. To his surprise, the little form disappeared when he reached Rich’s head and Rich woke up.

To further convolute the story, Rich claims that sometimes the little man was not alone and that he was sometimes accompanied by an ‘evil presence’. The only way to fend the pair off was to shout the name of Jesus over and over again.