How to Relieve Allergy Symptoms Naturally

Allergies suck. That’s probably what just about anyone who suffers with allergies will tell you. Combating the symptoms that can make life miserable at times is a business that has made obscene amounts of money for manufacturers of drugs and other remedies. If you’re looking for ways to relieve allergy symptoms naturally, you may find that there are some natural treatments that work very well and cost a lot less than those medications from the pharmacy.

#1 Apple cider vinegar

This age-old formulation is something that has more uses than you might think. From cleaning to improving your health, the uses for apple cider vinegar are almost too numerous to count. It is reported that it can help cut down on the body’s production of mucous, which may result in some relief for allergy sufferers with runny noses or irritating coughs.

#2 Neti pots

A strange-sounding name for a strange-looking device that could be a godsend for allergy sufferers. Looking at a neti pot, it may not be immediately clear what its purpose is. Basically, it is used to irrigate the nasal cavities with a saline solution or other beneficial liquid. This helps to flush our allergens and also loosen stubborn mucous that make make breathing more difficult.

#3 Saline spray

This solution works much the same way a neti pot does, but it much more convenient to use when you are away from home. A nasal spray is also much less messy than a neti pot and provides much the same benefit. A number of prepackaged nasal sprays are available. Like neti pots, the spray can help flush allergens and irritants out of the nasal cavities, and also make it easier to clear up and reopen airways.

#4 Quercetin

This is an herb that some people have reportedly used successfully to treat allergy symptoms. The key is its ability to help stabilize mast cells – a prime component of the body’s immune system – and reduce their production of histamine, which is a key contributor to allergy symptoms. In addition, it is believed that Quercetin is also an antioxidant that may reduce inflammation.

#5 Locally-produced honey

This one is kind of clever, but you’ll probably think so only if it helps with your allergy symptoms. The idea is that using honey that is produced by bees that are local to you will help you build up an immunity to the types of pollen in your area that may be making you miserable. This potential remedy is a bit controversial since the idea has been tested by scientific studies that did not agree with each other. Oftentimes it’s best to give these remedies a try and if they help – whether it is due to the beneficial properties of the remedy or because you “expect” it to work – if you feel better, you’re still enjoying the benefit.

#6 Probiotics

The more medical science studies the body’s immune system, the more they realize that the digestive system, or “gut,” plays a huge role in the body’s ability to fight off infection and other illnesses. A probiotic supplement may help boost the natural immune ability of your gut, and help you dial back the reaction of the body to things that it should not be trying to fight so aggressively, like various allergens. Beyond the potential to ease allergy systems, other benefits of probiotics may include improved digestion and less susceptibility to sickness.

#7 HEPA filters

We’ve probably all heard of HEPA filters at one time or another. This may not meet the criteria of a “natural” remedy, but it does not involve the use of drugs or other medications. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air, and air filters with this technology are very efficient at cleaning even the tiniest particles in the air. Reducing allergy-causing particles like pollen or pollution in the air is an obvious benefit for allergy sufferers, and can all but eliminate allergy symptoms in some cases. Using HEPA air filters in bedrooms and other areas where allergy sufferers spend a lot of time works best, and whole-home solutions are available as well.

#8 Washing

Believe it or not, the simple act of taking a shower can help ease allergy symptoms. In addition to the tendency of water vapor to help clear your sinuses and help soothe inflamed airways, taking a shower will also help rinse allergens off your body which may be worsening symptoms. Allergy sufferers who enjoy spending time on activities like gardening are strongly encouraged to shower immediately after spending time in the garden.

#9 Steam

For those who want to take a more direct approach to soothing airways beyond showering, steam from commercially-available vaporizers can certainly help inflamed and irritated airways feel better. Using steam is quicker and more convenient than taking a shower for many people, and there are also natural solutions such as certain essential oils that can be added to increase effectiveness of steam and possibly provide a soothing, pleasant aroma as well.

#10 Spicy food

Here’s another one that sounds a bit off-the-wall, but some people are doggedly convinced that eating a spicy meal is a great way to clear the sinuses and provide much-needed relief of allergy symptoms. Results are bound to differ from one person to another, and those that don’t care for spicy foods may find that the temporary relief that spicy foods may provide for some people are not worth it. For lovers of spicy foods, it might make for a great excuse to belly up to a meal that’s heavy on ingredients like garlic, wasabi, chili peppers and horseradish.

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