Losing hair can be traumatizing for most people and they will do anything they can to stop their hair from breaking. To stop hair breakage, you need to be proactive and do a number of things. Here are some …
Circulation problems in the legs and feet can result from diseases such as peripheral artery and peripheral vascular diseases and by intermittent claudication. Common to these conditions are the narrowing of the arteries which get clogged with plaque. The …
Does He Want to be More Than Just Good Friends? How do you know when a friendship with a man has the potential to progress into a meaningful relationship? Well as we know men are creatures of habit, and …
When pimples show up on your face, neck, shoulders, or back, it’s never fun. A pimple is simply a swelling of the skin caused by an infection, so they are usually filled with pus and bacteria. Typically, they are …
Life can get pretty crazy at times. For a typical family with both parents working outside the home, kids in school and involved in sports and other activities, it can be a real challenge to keep up with everyone’s …
If you’re one of many people that love alcohol, you no longer have to feel so guilty about drinking, whether you are out with friends or home alone because there are actually a few health benefits of vodka that …
Acne does not discriminate. Like every other health problem you can think of, celebrities are just as vulnerable as the rest of us. Sure, they probably have the resources that allow them to receive the best medical care, but …
People think that great athletes are made through daily hours and hours of exhausting practice. That is not wrong but do you know that a diet makes a person as well? Athletes need supplements and vitamins to accelerate the …
Over the years, there have been a number of foods touted as being ways to induce labor if you’re beyond your due date or eager to meet your little one. These same foods are often black-listed from being eaten …
The majority of bad effects of smoking are quite well known to the masses. Smoking is the leading cause of cancer, cardiac disorders and pulmonary diseases. However, the ill effects are not limited to these. There are many lesser …
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